Prayer requests

Prayer Wall

We're a praying church

Prayer is powerful

Prayer is a pivotal part of our relationship with God. It creates an opportunity for us to speak directly to God and pray through difficult situations, thank Him for what He’s doing and how He’s moving, and pray for others.

We believe that we were made to do life together – and that includes walking through hard seasons together. We would love the chance to pray and come alongside you.

Pray for other'S

Our prayer wall

Eric Svatik

My wife who had a stroke on 7/7/2012 is mostly recovered but has a lot of issues that most of us don't have or understand. One of those issues is that ever since 10/2012 she has had a level 5 or higher up into the range of 15 - to 20 pain level headaches SINCE 2012 and obviously since the stroke has removed her permanently from the Job market the weight of all the financials in the home rest on my back. I asking for prayer for Strength for my wife that the Lord continues to help her everyday even though for the last 12 years she is constantly plagued by headache, and Feet pain and numbness as well. I work like a dog and push myself so hard trying to do it by the Lord Jesus Christ's strength but it's tough and we always need prayer.

Received: August 28, 2024

We would love to pray for you

Request PRAYER

Eric Svatik

My wife who had a stroke on 7/7/2012 is mostly recovered but has a lot of issues that most of us don't have or understand. One of those issues is that ever since 10/2012 she has had a level 5 or higher up into the range of 15 - to 20 pain level headaches SINCE 2012 and obviously since the stroke has removed her permanently from the Job market the weight of all the financials in the home rest on my back. I asking for prayer for Strength for my wife that the Lord continues to help her everyday even though for the last 12 years she is constantly plagued by headache, and Feet pain and numbness as well. I work like a dog and push myself so hard trying to do it by the Lord Jesus Christ's strength but it's tough and we always need prayer.

Received: August 28, 2024

Thursdays at 6:30 pm | Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Thursdays at 6:30 pm | Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am

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