
please pray for old blind dog to be rescued from animal shelter M. and get home or he will be killed in some days. Pray for animal charities, other good people and social media to be involved. Thanks

Received: April 8, 2024


I am in a difficult situation both financially and materially. I need things to change. God has been faithful, I just don't know how long I can keep this up. I know what God is doing, but being alone, following your road, often times is not easy. God says he brings us to our promise land for rest, but we have to fight to keep it?? Im so confused.

Be blessed.

Your prayers are appreciated.

Received: April 3, 2024


Please pray for my husband to repent and come back to Jesus and completely lose desire for his mistress and that our marriage will be totally restored

Received: April 3, 2024


Please pray for me as I feel alone since my husband is away. I have no family close by and I stress a lot and worry a lot. I just feel alone. I miss everyone important in my life. I just want the strength to be okay on my own.

Received: April 3, 2024

Paula Miller

Prayers requested updates: Benign findings at this time. All praise to God for these results since formation of mass appeared to be cancerous initially.

Received: April 2, 2024


Praying forgiveness over folks in my life. I’m praying for a heart of forgiveness moving forward. I pray for the strength to move past any hurt and let God use the experience to improve my ability to serve others. May my focus be on bettering the Kingdom and not on any unmet expectations from humans.

Received: April 1, 2024


Please pray for my marriage. For healing and growth. That it will be a more Christ centered marriage

Received: March 31, 2024


I failed my mammogram and need further testing. I have a cluster of oval masses which often is cancerous. My testing is Monday. I am requesting prayer for a negative test and for me to to be calm in this situation

Received: March 26, 2024


My Uncles cancer came back. Viciously. He’s been placed on hospice care and has minutes, or days. Please pray for a painless passing for him and strength for his wife and kids.

Received: March 24, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Please pray for healing for my family and I, specifically deliverance from anxiety and depression. We’ve been through a lot of suffering over the last year or two. We love the Lord with all our hearts and have been casting our burdens onto Him. Some days are just a real struggle. We are believing to be set free from the bondage of fear and depression and appreciate very much your prayers. Thank you!

Received: March 13, 2024

Thursdays at 6:30 pm | Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Thursdays at 6:30 pm | Sundays at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Merry Christmas!

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